Take a Stance for a Better World

Help us make our community-building Gatherings a spectacle, an attraction everybody wants to see and be part of.

Become a Partner

Make a commitment to the preparation for or to special services at the Gatherings by filling out the form: 

How Teachers Can Prepare their Students

  • building small clay bear sculptures

  • painting, drawing, collaging, and working with mixed media to make a polar bear-related artwork

  • making up-cycled clothing with polar bears or the polar bear logo

  • writing poems, songs, short stories, or letters to politicians,

  • performing sketches, plays

  • photographing

  • researching and looking into the cultural heritage and meaning of polar bears, their history, myths, traditions, and the stories that have risen around them

  • studying the dwindling numbers of polar bears and creating a graph both current and predictive that depicts the impact of unabated climate change on polar bears and how their numbers will be affected by the year 2025 or 2030

  • developing ways to share what students have learned about polar bears

  • making sure that every students understands that we are in the middle of a climate emergency, and that without Mother Earth and without a change we will not survive